— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Every time you talk to a girl, think of her ex. If the girl is read, smart and relaxed, thank him for not hindering her from developing. If she knows how to joke and be the soul of the company - thank him for not laughing at her sense of humor and lighting up with her before you. If she has her own style - thank you twice, for supporting in the difficult way of choosing this same style. If a girl is full of bad habits - it means he did not support in time, did not find the strength to solve her problems. If it is closed, it means it has developed its complexes. If she is afraid even to dress up with you, he laughed at her. If she is ugly, selfish, morally ugly, then he has destroyed her entire inner world. Just remember him. And think about what you can do. You can help someone near you, and you can turn her into a furia and her life into hell. It is your choice. After all, girls depend too much on us, guys, while we try to improve ourselves. Just remember and draw conclusions.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna