— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:

And it’s better right away, she really has a tough sound.
I knew a young man who was interested in playing on the wheel. You would be shocked to find out what resistance he had to overcome.
Even his own family did not give him, so to speak, active support. His father from the very beginning was resolutely against this idea and showed complete heartlessness.
At first, my friend tried to exercise in the morning, but soon he had to give up because of his sister. She was devout and considered it the greatest sin to start the morning in this way.
Then he began to play at night, when the whole family went to sleep, but nothing came out of it, as their house gained a bad reputation. Late passers stopped at the windows, listening, and the next morning telling the whole city that last night a brutal murder had been committed in Mr. Jefferson’s house; they described the shouts of the unfortunate, the brutal curses and insults of the murderer, supplications for mercy and the victim’s last pre-mortem whisper.
Jerome K. Jerome

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna