— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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For this this:
to this:

Weezerspoon: say in the men-cats a small penis, and in the women how?
LagunaHeartly: And women do not have it (

= = = is = is = is = is = is
How did you fuck! If you take a duck and dystrophane with members of 10 cm in a state of restlessness, then dystrophane, of course, will look more impressive!
If the ducks use protein, then only the muscles grow, because the penis consists of cave bodies, forming some sort of sponge (bugs, which increase in volume by absorbing fluid, in this case blood)!
Women donkeys use not only proteins, but also infuse testosterone (male hormone), as a result of which their clitoris (underdeveloped penis) increases and really becomes like the head of the penis.

I apologize for the UG, but this ignorance offends the feelings of many athletes.
...with small members >.<

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna