— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 75 - ]
XXX(15:32:05 20/05/2010)
The girl Katya bought a dog. There was nothing left of her,
Her parents found a leather collar under her pillow."

YYY(15:33:00 20/05/2010)
Thus, the
I went to the police because there were handcuffs.

XXX(15:33:29 20/05/2010)
In the horse militia. Because the steak was found there.)

YYY(15:34:26 20/05/2010)
The horse. Because there was a leather shaft and tail.

XXX(15:35:10 20/05/2010)
The horse!! Because not only the tail was found, but also the clinging... not the tail

YYY(15:35:42 20/05/2010)
I had to take a girlfriend as there were two non-tailers.

XXX(15:36:02 20/05/2010)
The seat is one.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna