— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Is rock banned in your city? Oh, children, the enemy must be struck with his own weapon. Learn to:

Attorney General X
Head of Department "E" of FSB City X
Head of the regional department of the party "United Russia"
Statement of
The following actions were carried out by officials (FPO, position, list) of the following month:
Prohibition of musical compositions in rock style
2) is
3) is
I believe that the above actions contain the signs of the following offences: abuse of official position, infringement of civil rights of citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as taking into account that the work of the favorite group of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Bear can also be referred to as
I believe that the actions of the aforementioned officials have a political subtext and pursue the purpose of inciting separatist moods. Please check the above facts and take appropriate measures.
Date and signature.

After the 200th letter to the right addresses, your hometown by the number of rock concerts before the end of the year will cross Moscow and Peter.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna