— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I understand what your problem is: you’re too serious. A smart face is not yet a sign of mind, gentlemen. All the nonsense on earth is done with this expression of the face. You smile gentlemen. Smile to!

Do you think a man can get up his hair?
It must! A thinking person simply has to do this from time to time.

She fled me two years ago.
To be honest, I would have done the same in her place.
That’s why I don’t marry you, but Martha.

I was told that he was a smart man.
There is little talk about man.
Be like everyone else, Charlie. I am praying!
How is all? What do you say? Not flying on the nuclei, not hunting mammoths, not copying with Shakespeare.

A man destroyed a family, expelled a wife with a child from the house!
What a child! I am an officer!
He drove out his wife with an officer.

You have a girlfriend for good health. Now everyone has lovers. But it is not allowed to marry them. It is immoral!

There are couples created for love, we were created for divorce.

This is wonderful! Don’t be so tragic, my dear. Look at it with your own sense of humor... with humor! In the end, Galileo also denied us.
That’s why I’ve always loved Giordano Bruno more.

© "That’s the same Munchhausen"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna