— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Summary of results.
No, not the ordinary regiment, division, from which the people, like cockroaches, ran out for any reason, but the summary of the aviation of the district, where the command and political elite of all aviation regiments flew, and the ordinary people lacked space. The people went into the garages, and the consequences of the garage epochs served as a safe haven for subsequent summaries at all levels. About that later.
So, if from the usual subjects, where the deputy politicians analyze the state of military discipline in the light of decisions and rulings, when you begin to dumbly cut out and mother yourself for not hiding in the dressing room or in the toilet to melt, - and so until lunch in a semi-conscious state listen to what you absolutely do not care. The point is that we
I have a profession, I fly, I have a sky and the unique smell of airplanes. What have you seen in 25 years of service? – is
The fourth person’s chest. She loves aviation like a woman. And let the robbers, robbers, the number of points per unit of personnel, the thickness of the rows on the stands of visual agitation be dealt with by those who graduated from the command schools! They themselves deliberately went to commanders of squadrons, cavalry... Although, a low reverence to officers, who for a day from communicating with the entity "personal composition". I would not be able.
So, we tried to fuse all the truths and lies, but to the district, when the deputy commander, a combat pilot, a Georgian, who speaks greatly in Russian, all sought to get into this trick.
The head of the division boredly reads the report, in the presidium - the command of regiments, political workers, propagandists.
Everything sneezes with the nose, under a monotonous speech about the morally domestic state of the officer staff, where..... in the family of Captain Ivanov scandals, handicrafts...
Oh what!
The commander stands out of the chair. A revival in the hall.
Who is this Captain?! to
The room is in tension, the tension is growing – now will be what you came for!
Captain Ivanov stood up.
Come here here! is suitable. The people extend their necks and open wide.
Trying not to miss a word.
You are a captain, an officer, a communist, a pilot, a man. Are you beating your wife?
The mother of her children!!! (Characteristic of the Caucasian gesture)
The captain has already reconciled with the chases of the senior lieutenant and the eternal right seat of the assistant commander of the ship.
Comrade Commander (not deputy commander) Who knows what will be
Tomorrow, - the rules of good tone he absorbed with the milk of Clara Zetkin and Rose
Luxembourg), not he beats, it is her when he drinks, beats...
What o-o!! to
When the general was fierce, his father's feelings woke up in him, he switched to "you", and the light accent that painted him became the terrible resemblance of the Russian language, which was spoken only by Tajik soldiers from the building.
You, the captain, the officer, the communist, the murderer! Honestly, you
Do you want to be a woman?!!! Even more unique
The Caucasian Gesticulation.
The captain even sweated his heels, colds began, and this is full of pneumonia.
On what floor do you live?
At the p-yath, Comrade General...
- Va-azmi and Viking her on x...y from the fifth floor!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna