— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This story was told to me by a friend...
Like all average drivers, it does not always observe the speed mode, often enough and much exceeds the speed of movement. And one day, on the road to the south in one of the settlements, where as always in the bushes stood the brave employees of GIBDD, he was stopped. Leaving the car, my acquaintance, realizing that again hit, says to the haishnikovs: "Show your radar and how much I owe you money." He is invited to the patrol car, where he is shown on the binoculars, with the words: "You crossed a steady strip about a few kilometers ago, we saw it in the binoculars, so give your rights, we give you a temporary permit for a month, this decision can be appealed in court..."
My acquaintance, not from a timid dozen, a retired officer, realizing that he is being extortioned, decided to go on the principle.
There were several court hearings, to which the haishniks for various reasons could not appear.
On the last, when my acquaintance was given the word, he said about the following:
“Mr. officers, you claim to have seen both of us in the binoculars, like I did.
Broke the rules?
What they claimed:
Yes of course.
While you could in one single binoculars both at the same time.
To see how I crossed it?
At this point, the wife of my friend smiled echoingly, and the faces of the haishnikovs scattered right in front of their eyes.
To my acquaintance right in the courtroom the rights were restored, the judge explained that it was immediately clear - the case for lawmakers is hopeless - the evidence of an administrative offence is not enough.

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