— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This morning. Near the stop there is a small natural marketplace, on which the taxpayer has not yet placed its hairy leg.

She is 55 years old with a dog. The character of the lady is apparently a dog, and the dog of an uncertain breed, but rather large and good-hearted and stupid. Madama goes, proudly carrying a buffer and pushing the people with them.
Do you think of Ranevskaya in the “Poddish”? Approximately like that. The dog is wrapped nearby, not enjoying walking at an air temperature below 30 already in the morning.
9 in the morning, threatening to turn 35 in a couple of hours.
Suddenly he noticed a cat a few meters away.

The description of the cat requires a special paragraph. A wandering cat of dirty-white color, not thin, but rather burning. With a square cheek in old healed scars, with broken ears and a sharp look, knowing the price of a cat.
He is 5-6 years old. This is the worst age for such creatures. And if he survived several thirty-degree cold winters and forty-degree care years, was not struck by dogs and ripped off by relatives from garbage containers, was able to avoid children's anatomical experiment of the type.
“As much as he can do, he definitely deserves respect.

And here he sits next to a fresh fish shop. By the way, besides this cat of others I have never seen there, although the place is "fish". He sits so proud, not canyoning. He knows that he will still get, given the temperature of the air and the rapidly perishable goods. And, indeed: from time to time the merchant throws the cat the most unconditional fish. He has no competitors. The place is won in difficult battles for survival according to the cup system: the loser goes out forever.

And here the dog, either because of its natural stupidity, or because of the heat, takes a few steps toward the cat. How ordinary cats behave in such a situation you know. But not this! Without losing dignity, and, I would say, innocently and not very strongly beats Obak on his mouth. Well, like you, you don’t see, this is my territory, here everything has long been captured. The puppy with a whisper jumps away, and the lady decides to punish the offender. Well, I’m probably used to doing the same with my husband, if he’s still alive.

She struck the cat with her foot. Cats have a good reaction, but this one!!! When the leg was 5 centimeters from the fighter's body, the cat jumped on the spot and descended just when the leg was underneath him. With the nails of the front legs and spikes he grabbed his leg, and with the rear began to quickly tear the body. After two or three seconds, without pressing the clamps, he performed the same operation with his front legs and jumped back for a couple of meters. Madame is on the ground. His legs are carved on the American flag. The dog is worn in circles and cuddles, and the cat is quietly sitting in 2 meters and licking, sorry, eggs. As if he is not here.

The result. If the lady has not broken the veins, then the cat's infection is provided for at least six months.

Women are offered to call an ambulance, but nobody rushes to call and compassionately outraged by the type of "there are all sorts of wandering cats, they need to be killed", but they are already afraid to approach.

And the men, apparently presenting themselves in the place of the wife’s husband, in one voice:
“It was foolish to touch the animal!”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna