— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 52 - ]
A: We have one of the positions of the list of property, free of charge transferred to the property in the thousand nine hundred tail year of the now deceased Organization X - "Flag of the KGB, 300 rub." )))))))))))))
L : : D : D : D : D : D : D
A: In Moscow,, everything is scratching, where did the flag go?:D
A: And also Pump "Gnom"
O O O O O O! This is really scary!!!))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
A: Movement with Adaptation!Wassup *
L: And that the appliance is already in reliable hands??? • Crazy
A: They seemed to be shy of putting a position "some sort of harp".Roff and the Adaptation!
Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy
A: Potentiometer "CIS"Wassup *
A: So one of the positions. 😉
What about the vibrator? 😉
A: Eat the beetles!
L: =-O =-O of the vibrators?? to
A is Dada!
A: The coastliner 117 rubles! And a painting for him.
L is fucking! How could you bankrupt those people!!!!!!!!!???)))))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna