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He: you won't believe, doctors assure, mink brings a huge benefit to women's health

She: Yes, and what benefit can this bring to the mine?

It is the teeth. Sperm contains valuable minerals that strengthen gums. In addition, the zinc and calcium contained in it are no worse than expensive pasta contribute to the restoration of tooth enamel. If you have oral sex twice a week, the likelihood of caries decreases by 40%.

It is the chest. The male sperm contains the hormone prostaglandin. When entering the body, it stimulates the production of female hormones, including estrogen. Not only does the condition of the skin and hair improve. Thanks to estrogen, the volume of the chest and thighs increases. No need for plastic surgeons. This effect is achieved only if the woman swallows the sperm.

It is burning calories. Scientists claim that 26 minutes of French love burns the calories of one pizza eaten. And 53 minutes of oral sex that ended in orgasm destroyed three hamburgers and a pack of chips.
It is anti-stress. During oral pleasures, nerve endings are stimulated on the lips and the hormone oxytocin is produced, which has a relaxing effect. Also, doctors note that sperm contains lipids and amino acids, which have excellent healing effects in stressful stomach diseases - gastritis, colitis, ulcers.

Here is myself and the sauce. Pleasant and useful.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna