— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I told about one person. A tragic fate. DAVID

Gothman number two, with the difference that he worked as the chief of UGRO not in

Odessa and the Far East. There was no way to go with him: where

10 minutes walk, D. M. In fact, he was called differently.

Half an hour, because each encountered thought it his duty to greet and

Talk about life. The satellite asks, “Who is this?” The answer was always

One said, “Let me plant it in that year.”

In restructuring D. M. spent on retirement, although the strength and desire to work still

was enough. He did not accept democratic changes, he remained until the end.

The convicted communist and patriot of the Soviet Union, Yeltsin and his clique

He hated them with all his heart and considered them American spies.

The personal drama of this man was that his son and daughter

They emigrated to the hated America and did well there. Wife dropped

At the age of 10, she wanted to move to her children and grandchildren.

Eventually D. surrendered. Unfortunately, less than a year later

On the move, he was diagnosed with advanced cancer.

Praised American medicine could not cure him, but in peace.

I did not want to leave. Suffered unnecessary operations. And here, awakening

after the last operation in the intensive care unit, from which, as

He knew that he would no longer go out, and D. M. saw a gray black in front of him.

The black satan.

“Hi, I’m Pastor Jackson,” said the Negro. I am

here to make it easier for you to move from this world to another world,

The best. Do you want to confess?

The dying was silent.

Do you belong to another religion? The pastor guessed. – not

We have representatives of different faiths at the hotel.

There is an Orthodox priest, a Catholic, a Yehovite, a rabbi, a mulla.

Whom to call?

The Commissioner! D. responded badly and turned to the wall.

Two hours later, the door of the room opened again.

“Hello,” said the entrance. I am Raymond Kelly, Police Commissioner.

of New York. Pastor Jackson told me that you want to see me.

Before his death, the commissioner visited his chamber several times. They so

There was something to talk about.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna