— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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They suddenly called and offered to go out for a weekend walk in nature. Right now, on Friday evening, gather the hats - a tent, a bedroom, a gas burner for all occasions, a meal - and leave late in the evening by electric train for a hundred kilometers or further. And then, walking to the neighboring branch of the rail, go back on Sunday evening. and what?
A normal weekend trip. Let the children not get bored in the city. The company is verified and we have been in contact for many years. I just asked the station where we went and the time.

They came out of the electric car already in the dark on the semi-station, the name of which he did not even know. You have to go a couple or three kilometers to the side, eat dinner, stay overnight, and there you will see. Sturman (one who planned the route this time) explained that there is a good forest mass a kilometre from here, to which you have to go through the village. They threw their bags on their backs and drowned.

entered the village. The village is long. Full of dogs. They lie.
Under the gate, because of the fence, separately - a group of escorts, whose composition is constantly changing. Women are nervous and afraid of their children.
The Mighty! Do something!
And then Sergey responded. Go ahead, I’ll get it done.
I slowed too. It became curious – how he neutralizes an entire village of dogs. Sergey dropped his backpack and took a few deep and quick breaths.
Then I made a small half-worship and, slowly unfolding, gave out such a strange throat rick that my whole body hair rose and a cold wave of mushrooms passed through my back. I found that I was standing, covering the causal spot with my hands. The group that took twenty steps back also stood up. It was seen as everyone looked at the sides and clung to the crowd.

After a minute, I realized that there were no more dogs around, and all the others were silent.
No damn to yourself! What was this?
- Go, at dinner I will tell you, - Sergey put on the backpack and moved into the right place.
The side.

As they walked through the village, they did not see or hear dogs or cats. They passed through in a deep silence. We arrived, set up tents, prepared a quick dinner. They poured a little, not for the sake of drunkenness, but for health, and awaitingly settled on Sergey.

- Large cats whisper at inhalation, this recently enlightened me by a relative
My wife, a biologist with a long experience, started Sergei.
How is it? I did not understand the people.
The respiratory system is like this. We are quite different,
That is why we make sounds at exhalation. Hence the fundamental difference in
Change the tone to the end. We are rising and they are falling because
The volume of the lungs increases and the resonance frequency decreases.
and yes? and what?
Nothing at all. But any life of a lion or tiger is excellent.
It differs by kilometers. The thumb determines the size.
Weight and approximate weight. We also differentiate. Memory
The ancestors. Do you feel it yourself?
The people disobeyed and agreed.
My aunt added that we don’t know how to crack. In vain she said it. I am
He killed for three months and learned. A bit unpleasant, but tolerable. by
The result.
The people came back and felt the need to drunk again.
- They, by the way, the volume of lungs relative to weight is much smaller than the
and us. The dogs disappeared in a moment. Probably still sitting.
The most intelligent ones are on trees. Because they received
There is a clear indication that a hungry cat weighs kilograms in the village.
Two hundred fifty-three hundred

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna