— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I work as an admin in the company.

Call: I don’t have the internet!
I: Sorry, but who is this?
Ivanova is an economist.
A minute, I will check. I’m checking out, there’s probably an end to traffic.
I: A minute, I’ll look at your traffic.
I: Your day is not exhausted, you see the month is over.
The silence of 10 seconds... seemed badly heard:
How did you know...what does it matter when my period is over?
He throws the phone and the boss calls:
Q: What are you doing to the users?
I am :?! to
N: Well you tell the economist that her monthly is over, are you?
I: The monthly limit has ended, from the word of the month!!! to
N : ) )

Then long laughed first with us, then with them, now this joke goes all over the enterprise, the IT department knows about your monthly!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna