— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In general, I work with the Federal Communications Operator (we work on WiMax) to connect the client, you need to conduct a survey of the point (on the roof) :) In general, I made an application to the technical department, with the customer in excellent relationships, the matter was closed. At night there was a heavy rain, cold, horror movie! In the morning, the planner, here is the call of the client, you need to pay tribute to the client expressed very culturally, where is your tech director? I say now I eat, I call him, I say, on the wire such a very wants to hear you, pause, then the answer struck me in shock - Tell me that I resigned, I ask - Are you fucking?And then it turns out that he closed the roof of the house and left the client there for the whole night to hang out with the cats. Now the director is not allowed for examination :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna