— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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from chat dissi

[22:35:09] <0bl0m> People who know how to give in?
[22:35:19] <Residenten> 0bl0m: What purpose are you interested in?
[22:35:46] <Zauza> Residenten: wants a couple of gigabytes of internet
[22:36:25] <Zauza> but here, I sell a bit of the internet! Who has a fresh piece of internet? only here and only with us, clean unwrapped internet, directly from the dealer
[22:38:09] <Residenten> and without intermediaries
[22:38:22] <Zauza> Afghan Internet
[22:38:44] <Residenten> no,of the Golden Triangle
[22:39:54] <Zauza> well I don’t know, judging by the excellent work of our provider, to me the internet exactly Afghan intermediaries carry a week in their anus across the border.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna