— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I read the story of the Negro and remembered from this series. My aunt told...
It was in Soviet times. My aunt studied at Tashkent University.
Then, in republics like Uzbekistan, there was a iron quota for admission to the institute. That is, indigenous students should be at least a certain percentage. However, in those years, the Usbeks did not rush to the universities. Many of them spoke poorly Russian. Therefore,ining the quota was problematic. The unhappy Aborigines were encouraged as they could and were delighted with everyone who consented to study. The exam was pure formality.
Now, actually, history... Someday in the first days of classes at the central entrance of the institute, next to the gas-water machines, there was a group of first-class students who had just arrived from near and distant Kishalk. A Negro comes out of the door. Usbeks did not see this miracle on television, because they did not see the TV themselves either. Reaction is predictable. Universal fun, ticking of fingers and comments in which the keywords are: "BLACK, BLACK, BLACK...." This Negro could not fail to notice such behavior. He quietly, with a sense of self-worth, approaches the machine, takes a snow-white towel out of his pocket, moisturizes it with soda without syrup and wipes out his neck with it.
The shirt was white as it was before. With this same cloth he wipes the neck of one of the fun Uzbeks. The snow-white shirt turned black.
Who of us is black? - said the Negro, handed the T-shirt to the Uzbek, and importantly departed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna