— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was in those days when "Moscow" was called a car.
In order to gather more spectators for football and increase fees, lotteries were played on the stadium immediately after the match. All tickets were lottery tickets.
After each match on the green lawn a large drummer-lototron was pulled, items were taken and placed, and the main prize - "Moscow - 2140" was rolled out.
The drum, filled with paper sheets, turned, the children got them and immediately announced the places where the winnings fell. The lucky winners immediately descended from the tribune and, having presented a ticket, received a win. The last was Moscow.
Everything is simple, open and honest. The only and most important condition was that the car had to be obtained within fifteen minutes of printing. In the mid-1980s, absolutely everything in the country was a deficit and this condition excluded the possibility of selling a winning ticket.
This innovation has led to the fact that football tickets have fallen into the deficit category. On the day of the sale in the morning in the cash were built long lines.
Approximately 40,000 tickets were sold out within a few hours.
They took a lot because they really won TVs, carpets, refrigerators, etc. and so on. On the semi-empty tribunes the people sat in separate bunches with packs of tickets.
So we stand, one day, in a line with a friend and discuss how many tickets to take. C is not going to go. One person would be enough for me. I don’t know of a single case where the hole brings happiness. Twenty for two. In a common bunch. Just came the turn, as some man flies and asks to miss him to buy one single ticket to the airport.
The football. An outraged turn. I don't let the man, but I take one extra ticket and sell it to him.
Here is football. Free places as much as you want.
Finally the printing. Everything that goes into play goes to other tribunes. There is only a car in the field next to the drum. They read. The tribune is ours.
Our sector. A number of ours. We hold the tickets. Number among us. We checked, checked, but there was no ticket. My wolf just wasted. So everything is clear, but he, shocking with empty papers, explains that this fall on our Moscow will leave. We have our heads shaken, and this man is not seen anywhere nearby. He seems to be sick from the other side. The stadium dictator asks the main winner to immediately approach the drawing commission. People are not separated. Everyone is wondering who is the lucky one. Time goes by, but no one is following Moscow. All this is terribly fun for me, and the madman, from the sudden sorrow that fell, Vovochka grabbed his heart and "on the machine" repeats that this pidor and his car took away, and he does not take.
and all. It was announced that the time came out and the car "Moskvich 2140" remained unwanted.
A day later, a note was posted in the local newspaper in the incident section, describing the incident in the tram.
One man was going to football. Sitting on a tram at one stop. The controller came. The man did not have a ticket. My aunt raised the hail. The door was not opened and police were called. Instead of football, he was taken to the street. There on television together with the menta watched the end of football and the circulation. We checked the ticket, friendly, but there was no time to help.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna