— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Nolph3: I’m going to the circle today. With me out of the entrance comes the Gopnik Serezh (he just knows the whole entrance). All such slick, in white shoes "Puma", in light blue dinosaurs, in a white jacket and a hat. Everything is new and you won’t even say immediately that he’s a troll. There is a huge hole before entering.
So, he goes out, and a wide step into this pit is straight and comes. Of course, the bottom of the pants and shoes in dirt. It spreads quietly "la, well what kind of luck does it have? Only to the girl, dressed normally as...", and with anger by habit pins the loaf. And he mocked well, with the soul and in the end, completely, from head to feet, is covered with a layer of dirt. Then he comes out of himself and speaks loudly "Za**alo!". After which he decides to make a broad gesture, taking off the hat and vengeantly throwing it to the ground, but he throws it into the pit...
It is distributed throughout the courtyard "Uki! Eat it all!", removes his jacket (you know, such a soft, plushy, instead of sleeves - holes) and throws it into the pit. From the jacket flies out his suffered iPod4 hits the asphalt in a shallow spot of the lawn, jumping away to the side where deeper and drowns.
Sergey falls on his knees (and he has light-blue jeans) gets out of the Ipod barracks and glimpses, goes back into the entrance (I stood in the door all this time).
Until this moment I barely contained laughter, but then it became really sorry for him, not lucky people in life.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna