— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Our office is right next to the toilet (assistant one cabin). In the open door to the office, I see a designer headed to the toilet with a quick but silent step (which is somewhat surprising for his 8 pounds of weight, even with an athletic figure). He knocks at the door, it is closed. Almost immediately I hear the sound of the opening door, the tapping of the heels – by our office passes the designer of the Light. I hear the doors of the toilet open, the designer goes to the other side as quietly, catches the Light, gently knocks her on the shoulder and asks quietly:
Who was in the bathroom before you?
- No, - the same conspiracy whisper responds the girl.
That's the one who ticks my black! The designer throws and pretends to try to stifle the light.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna