— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There was a girl. She had such beautiful bright hair. called her
The Snow White.
One day, the mother said to Snow White, “Daughter, it’s time to wash your head!”
She replied, "Oh, mom, I have to sit by the window and wait for the prince, I can't wash my head, I don't have time."
Gradually, Snow White's hair was completely worn out, and her mother wrapped her red hat to cover the fatty flakes. That’s why she was called the Red Hat girl.
Mother asked her daughter, “Red Hat, come down and see grandmother!“”
She replied, "I would go down, mommy, but I can't sit by the window, suddenly there will be a prince, and I'm looking forward to him."
So the time went, and the Red Hat was all sitting at the open window, from which dust, dirt and ashes flew on her. She became entirely pebble, and people began to call her Cinderella.
Mother said to her again, “Peanut, look, the room is not cleaned!“”
But she said, “Well, Mom, don’t you see I’m busy! I can’t do anything, I’m waiting for the prince!”
And then, one day, a prince appeared on the road near the house of Cinderella!
As he passed by on a white horse, he saw a dirty, unchested grandmother in the window, and said, “Oh, B....!“”
And everybody has since begun to call the girl B... though – notice! She gave no reason for that.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna