— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Everyone watching television has heard of a Buryat girl who asked the president “to dress like a pencil” and was invited with the whole family to the main tree of the country. A child’s dream has come true, but such girls don’t only live in the storm. I want to tell you a story about one of them. The editorial office of the local newspaper, where the information came, was paralyzed for half an hour due to the laughing hysteria of the staff.
So then...
She lived in Kalitvenskaya in the depths of the Rostov region, a 13-year-old girl who saw a girl from Buryatia on television and decided to write a letter to President Medvedev, since he is conducting such a loud sale of dreams.
I went to the president's website and wrote him a letter - about my dad, about my mom, that life is hard, but in general everything is good, only bad - there are no sea pigs in the village, and where to take them - is unknown.
She wants a pork. Will President Medvedev help her get it?
In Moscow there is a special Office of the President of the Russian Federation for the work with applications of citizens.
There they recorded the receipt of the appeal from the station of Kalitvenskaya, printed it, attached a paper to the circulation, placed a large red seal and, without reading, sent it to the administration of the Rostov region, to the governor, for trial on the spot.
In the administration of the Governor there is a similar department for working with citizens' appeals.
There, the letter from the presidential office was accepted, the acceptance was recorded, another sheet was attached to it, another stamp was placed and, likewise, without reading it, it was sent to the district administration.
The head of the district administration also did not read the appeal about the pork, but he also found himself in the apparatus to deal with the appeal and, as a result, he was read. of offices. And they sent officials to a school where a talented girl was studying, who wrote a letter to President Medvedev.
The officials would call the parents, and say - buy the child pork. If there is no money, go to the city and buy it. And for the delivery of pigs to call the press and tell us how we are performing the instructions of the president.
of Medvedev. Everyone would be well. But no one had enough brains to do this, and officials attacked the director of the school: who, say, are you raising here?! to
Called all together from the lessons the girl and started murmuring her, the child in tears.
My mom was on a trip and called my aunt to school.
My aunt came. Who are you growing up? There is a crisis in the country, and you eat pork?! to
President Medvedev has nothing more to do than to give a pig.
Write a formal rejection from the pig!
The aunt was at first upset, but as she recovered, she told them who they were and where they came from, as well as what they could do with their refusal. I went to the local newspaper in the city of Kamensk.
The newspaper could not stand for a long time. But in the end they decided that there is a crisis or not a crisis, but the child is a child, and you have to be tolerant, especially, the girl knows how to use the internet and the computer, not a fool, so. And then they took the child and stunned, the child says.
I thought my dream would come true, I would not ask anyone else for anything.
The editor looked at it, took 500 rubles, went to the animal store and bought the child a seafood.
The director of the zoo, when he heard where the pig would go, also roasted for a long time and gave the pig a cage and feed. The pig in a cage with food was given to the child, the child was happy, and the editor went to write a slaughter article and consult what he would be for it from the local authorities.
In the evening, the editor called the girl's aunt and told her that it was not the end of the story! After she came to the newspaper, the aunt went on the internet and wrote another letter to President Medvedev! About how the girl wrote to the president, and what came out of it...
Two hours later (almost exactly) officials arrived at my aunt's house with apologies and two sea pigs.
Now the child has three pigs, and officials, judging by the speed of reaction, still dream of nightmares.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna