— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We have a guy at work who spends 6 hours a day on the road. Well, he works hard, so he has little free time and he almost doesn’t watch movies and TV.
Project cabinet, with a large table, where large-format drawings are studied. I’m standing at the projector and repairing it, at the table (usually empty), two girlfriends, 26 and 28 years old, ardent fanatics of pottery, and discussing a new film. With the wheelchair on which lies a statue of diversified drawings comes the aforementioned guy. One of his girls:
“Loch, why do you think Hermione got married to Ron and not Harry, because Ginny Harry doesn’t fit at all?
The guy wraps his head from side to side, a-la Beatles while performing She Loves You:
Who are these people?
The girls are beginning to tell "short content". A man who could not withstand:
In short!
“Ron, Harry and Hermione, fellow students and friends, and Ginny, Ron’s younger sister from the same university, I can’t stand it and interfere with the conversation.
“That’s why I didn’t get married,” she presses Lech’s shoulders.
Why? why? Girls are asking.
“If Harry had married Ge-how-yo-tam, Ron would have gotten Ginny, and that’s incest.
The most silly explanation I’ve ever heard! One of the girls says.
I think the most logical.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna