— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Yesterday, the police detained people not only in the Manage Square. My friend and I had a funny story in a quiet bedroom area.

We walk in the streets, we talk, we don’t touch anyone. It is already dark, under my feet in the light of the lights shines a gloomy ice. A winter evening, an ordinary evening... At some point two ments pass by quickly, looking suspiciously. We don’t feel guilty, we go on. Five seconds later, a whispering whisper from behind:
Okay, and stand still!
We stand. I quickly guessed what could be the case. Probably for recruits. I have no soldier with me. That is OK. This is what a friend without a student and did not serve is much worse.
- The sergeant of the militia of the Shepherds, - presented the patrol.

A police officer explained that twenty minutes ago a woman was attacked by two unknown people of small height and took a bag with a large sum of money.
- In me a meter eighty-five, comrade police officer, - unobtrusively
I noticed.
Sergeant Pastukhov laughed and said that my friend had just a meter with a cap (this is true), and if so, it was his duty to bring him to the OVD for interrogation. And whisperingly added that for low disclosure they are about to be deprived of the prize. He seemed to still want to shoot us a cigarette, but we both didn’t smoke.

My friend was taken to OVD. I promised him to wait, but, frankly, I’m not a fan of standing two hours in the frost. There was a movie theater in front of the department, and I went to the evening session. I just come back from the movie - I see, my friend tosses. Happy and laughing. I was even scared for him - suddenly this is hysterical?

“You won’t believe,” he said, “the mints drink champagne!

This is how it was: my friend was brought to the OVD along with a dozen of the same "robbers" - among the detainees were two boys of fourteen years old; one dry, crumbled old man, who if he attacked a woman, he would have been struck by her on the spot and could not escape far; three Tajiks (these are suspected always, regardless of height, gender and age) and other characters. Finally, after half an hour, some young mints were brought into the cage... a liliput.

Investigators, seeing the liliput, stunned.
Where did you get him?
Yes, I was walking on the street. Growth is small, so we took it.
Liliput looks at the police officers, the face is wicked, almost spit.
Why have I been detained? and whisper.
The investigator was upset by this reaction. He decided to joke — his eyebrows moved and said to the liliput with a threatening bass:
Specifically, you have been arrested for theft. You will not become
To deny that you are a dangerous recidivist?
For the robbery? He quietly asked Lilith. X is good. I understood everything.

15 minutes later, when fingerprints were taken from everyone, investigators decided who to question first. I decided to start with lily. That one once all sinked after the scream, the face became sad and sad, and the look will cry. He was taken to the camera for interrogation. Something he has been sitting there for a long time. Ten minutes passed, twenty... Finally, a detective comes out of the chamber with three sheets of paper — joyful, all shining:
Do you know who we caught? It’s my carpet, it’s me.
He wrote pure!

The entire police department fled. Liliput turned out to be an untouchable apartment thief Mitey, who cleansed more than forty apartments and institutions in Moscow - his small height allowed him to smugly penetrate inside through the forks. And he wrote with the full confidence that since the investigator so harshly threw him in the face of the accusation, he was detained without excuse, on hot tracks.

All the suspects were immediately released, and the party began in the police department. Not only awards, but also promotions.
is guaranteed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna