— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Another drawing from the life of officers of the USSR Navy about 20 years old

of old. In every closed male collective there will always be individuals.

The likeness of the opposite sex is full of legends.

One of them was my colleague and friend Emmerick. A true expert and

knowledge of the case. As a true celebrity of women in every new

He was involved in gambling. The meetings were planned in advance.

The full program. First, that in the city of Neva, the good of all

300 km from our base. Not just the bed, but also.

Theaters, museums, walks in parks... You know, they were not.

banal cabbage dating... women exclusively educated and

The educated. Of course, the passion for such a cultural program is only

was reinforced. The problem has always been to take the time.

meet to meet. Man is submissive. I needed a very convincing reason.

He had some acquaintance at the Military Academy. The version therefore

Treatment of one of the relatives.

was approaching. And the chief shrugged his heart for a couple or three days.

But years went. He has already "healed" the aunt, the aunt, the shurin... In general, the limit

Possibly sick relatives. Leadership with Everyone

Everyone reluctantly let him go. It is uncomfortable to ask for...

As another reason for a short vacation needed fresh and

An unusual idea. He was my subordinate. and somehow

I needed some data urgently. In his place

not appeared. When asked where he was, his colleagues advised him to go.

Their comedy. I go to the comedian’s office. I ask, “Where is he?” Commodity

Close the door more tightly and quietly confidently like a man.

to the man: “Listen, I let him go... to Peter... to the medacademy, to the

The consultation. Our doctors know... “And what’s with him?“I ask.

And Comedive, heavily breathing, still quieter, almost at my ear, apparently not

He said, “You understand yourself. The case serious. He has impotence.” In this

I could no longer serve the good of my country.

Ilya is upset.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna