— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am a guy (this is important). I go to the supermarket, ahead a couple, 20 years.
A boy in front, a girl behind. A man on his shoulder told him something. The girl is silent. The man looks around periodically. Suddenly, the girl stops and sees a commodity on the shelf. The guy continues to go. I too. I get closer, I hear a guy’s voice: “Yes, yes, I’m probably to blame. I invite you to a restaurant where you will forget our quarrel. I’ll order you whatever you want, please don’t get angry with me... And for the new year I invite you to go to Egypt. There is warm, the sea, the rest... We order a five-star hotel for a week at the sea, diving... Do you agree?” He turns to me...
I answered bass “Yes!” Their eyes grow to the size of coffee cups. He is in stupor. It is 2.3.4 and 4.5 seconds. And then in his head as if something is clicking, he cleverly smiles:
Have you ever heard of Egypt and Egypt?“”
“No” I answer.
“Thank you, it was you, not she!”
Turn around and go to the girl:
“The dance! Let us tolerate! Go to the cinema!!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna