— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Monya and Dodik meet at Richelievskaya. Monika asks :
Do you know who Columbus is?
And Columbus? I never heard that name.
The ignorance! Columbus was the man who discovered America.
It is awesome! How do you know this?
I go to school three times a week and I study there.
Two weeks later they meet again, and Monia asks again:
Do you know who Gutenberg is?
- The one who lives in Moldova and sells fish on the Prvoza?
Here is the donkey! Gutenberg was the man who invented printing.
It is interesting! How do you know all this?
I said I go to school three times a week.
Two weeks later they meet again. This time Dodik asks:
“Say me, Mona, and you know who Slemenson is?
No, I never heard of him.
“Shlemson is the man who sleeps with your wife three times a day.
a week when you go to your evening school.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna