— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the cycle: women... would kill the naker!

I met a beautiful girl, but after a few minutes of communication I realized that the tree is full...well, just chew, how stupid she is! I just wanted to take and take off the scarf from the scarf.
The body is young, the sex requires. Well, and I decided to change the way of communicating a little... I kicked the foot and joyfully supported the topic started by her, about pieces, contact, stupid girlfriends, other fuck.
I went home and agreed to meet again. Everything is beautiful.
In the morning I get a text from her with about this content: "Sorry, we probably better not to meet again. I feel very uncomfortable with someone who is really much more stupid than me. It’s a pity that you too (of course, a lot of us) have been so".

Beating, how do they do it?? to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna