— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was pleasant:
Rothcam (German) met a local doctor on a holiday in Tunisia, married him and stayed in the country. They soon had a daughter, Amira, but then the relationship between the spouses broke up. The couple divorced in 2007. The court in Tunisia recognized the right to custody of the mother, but in practice it had no importance.
Tina Rothcam flew several times to the country to take Amir to Germany, but without success. Her last visit to Tunisia coincided with the beginning of the Jasmine Revolution.
Rothcam was able to get to the airport with her daughter, but they were not allowed on the plane and, in addition, took all the documents available. For his part, the ex-husband filed an application to the police about the kidnapping of the child.
Finally, Tina Rothcam managed to get to the island of Djerba and negotiate with the smugglers about the shipment to Italy.
Italian border guards, according to their own words, were extremely surprised when a tall blonde fell on the shore among the migrants. The German embassy arranged Tina and her daughter in a hotel and then helped to get to Düsseldorf.

Pepper, the real mother.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna