— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Unreal requests
We wandered with the camera through the streets and asked the passers the same question:
“What is your greatest wish?”

They asked a man ninety, but apparently the majority of his desire read in women's magazines: give them an island in the ocean, a house and a golf course on it (Which of them tried to play golf...? Walking with a cane on lawns and swamps, it is easier and more useful for rabbits to grind grass. I once played, I did not like it, I felt forgotten in the steppe as a hockey player...) Naturally, the bags with money, yachts, apartments overlooking the Kremlin, etc. and so on.

We have already frozen quite a bit and wanted to “turn the wheels,” I see – a small Tajik in a uniform scratches the grass with a hand-like grabble.
Freddie Krueger, next to a garbage car and tools.
I ask you, dear, what is your greatest wish?
The palace man stood upright, smiled, praised the metal teeth of three different colors and said:
Do you want me to go to the cinema?
Tell me, what would you want the most in the world? Maybe a lot.
Money, a beautiful bride, registration? Anything whatever...
Tajik stopped smiling, thinking, and said:
- I don't even know, money pays us all the time - every time, wife and children
I have, the registration is real... Adin, I still have desires, and
Will you not be offended?
No, I will not, say you. any desire.
Tajik made a little laugh, looked into the lens and said seriously:
I would like most of all that you – the Moscovites would become a little or a little.
more cultural or, on the contrary, a little less cultural.
My greatest wish.
I didn’t understand you, please explain.
Well, if all the Moscovites were to become a little more cultural, then their
Papers – mummies, rubbish, they would only throw into the urns. And if it were
became less cultural than it is now, then bulls-bears, seeds - chewbacks,
They would throw themselves right under their feet on the asphalt and not try to culture them.
to throw it on the grass or grass... It is very difficult for me to collect garbage there, and
Asphalt – r-r-az and melted easily... This is my greatest desire. I am
Did I say right?

I think that Tajik wanted “too much of any wish.” It is easier for us to drop him onto an island in the ocean than to stop depicting himself as a cultural man, hiding his rubbish in the bushes.

But a lot is needed for happiness.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna