— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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zzz (09:47:17 20/04/2011)
The theory of dissonance, for example, explained the long-standing mysterious fact that during the Korean War the Chinese successfully turned American prisoners into supporters of communism. To do this, it was not necessary to resort to torture or pay large sums: it was enough to promise the prisoners a handful of rice or chocolate for the fact that they would write an anti-American essay. After the Americans wrote the corresponding text and received a reward for it, many acquired communist beliefs. The theory of dissonance predicts that the more miserable reward a person receives for behavior incompatible with his views, the more likely he will change his views. There is some distorted common sense in this. If you are sold for chocolate, or a cigarette, you better come up with a convincing reason for such an act, so as not to feel a sales impasse. If you cannot take back a written or spoken lie, then you change your ideas so that they do not cause you any inconvenience. The sloppy submissions change our flexible beliefs. The harder a person manages to get into a group, the more devotion he shows to that group. and around

xxx (10:32:56 20/04/2011)
xxx (10:33:00 20/04/2011)
Do you want a bucket?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna