— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The former colony of Portugal and Indonesia, East Timor
I quoted by memory.
In 2000, it was liberated from the Portuguese yoke, and five years later from the Indonesian yoke.
In front of the White House, the Free Timors gathered and adopted a new constitution.
Which language should be a state language?
Half of the population is spoken in Portuguese, half in Indonesian, and both dialects are reminiscent of the damned colonial past.
And decided – the state language of East Timor – attention!!! The Finnish!! to
I am not joking!
Immediately, a demand for 200,000 textbooks in Finnish and 500 Chuhonets was sent to the bush.
The Finns ate first. Then I realized it wasn’t a joke. They sent textbooks and 500 Finnish teachers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna