— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We have an office in the basement. We are rats.
2nd O shake up, our department also sits in the cottage.
In general, our office is cool, but we were driven down.

The windows are still out to the yard. So in the holidays everybody tries to suck us out the window!!!! to

1. we have eternal grandmothers Sabbaths to our door, they will fall down to us, they will abstain from us.
We are more lucky, we look around, then they bend, see the full cabinet of babs....and hide!!!!!!!!!!! to

No one is a saddle

1.throw, what thread the ass so put on the hairy, rolled off its spare parts, wiped off with a lap. The clothes and the trousers!! Applause and roar.

O, these eyes are opposite

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna