— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The closet
I went with my wife to friends for their one-year-old baby’s birthday.
The place was barren, ten minutes before the shlagbaum stood while an armed guard called up with the masters. Passengers in the village, mostly known faces throughout the country...
The house of our friends is beautiful and rich (rich through the Ukrainian letter)
Everything inside is fun and delicious. They sat as they were at the table and divided groups of interests on billiards, libraries and wine cellars.
I browse the floors with the parents of friends, not forgetting to praise the chic circumstance. Suddenly in one of the rooms I am dying and falling into a space-time continuum!!! to
From surprise I can’t imagine where I’m... My closet is in front of me!
I have to say that this is not just a closet, but a closet! The oak tree, a little over two hundred years old, was built by a German master. As long as I remember, I know every wrap in it. It is as if two-story, all carved with columns, like the facade of a fairy castle. At the very top, under the ceiling, the head of the line with scaled teeth, whoever of the classmates did not come to visit me, unusually "hang" at the closet for half an hour with the mouth open...
And when my mother moved to Moscow, the removal of the closet from the country turned into a serious espionage operation.
I have seen a lot of old cabinets and closets in my life, some were similar, some very similar to ours, but this was his twin brother and obviously made by the same master heavenly kingdom (or God give him health if he is a vampire...).
The same to the pain of the native trait, wickedly scattered on me from above... had it not been a slight difference in the color of the lacquer, I would have rushed to call my mom with cries:
“Mom, go into a big room. Where did the Devil’s closet go?“?”
The owners of the house brought me out of shock:
What do you like? He likes everyone...
I don’t like that word, I’ve liked it all my life, my mom.
is the same. One in one.
Do not exaggerate. There is no longer such a closet, and it cannot be.
Manual work, Austria-Hungary, is more than two hundred years old. We bought it.
A year ago and it costs so much that... no, it can’t be like that with yours.
The mother...
Why can’t he? I tell you there is! As for the price,
So in his long and fun life there must have been original moments,
When he was worth no more than a potato cube...
- Still, this is excluded, because the master of such cabinets could have cut off for life
Three things in all... absolutely impossible, as you say, in your own.
My mom had a closet of this number.

People gathered, people smiled, and I felt a slight distrust of my words. My wife shrugged my hand slightly, so don’t argue with the elderly, do you need it?
But for the sake of the red word, I never regretted anyone, especially when I was right. I did not stop this time:
I propose a dispute. Have you thoroughly examined your closet for a year?
Well yes, and what?
- Then let's do that - you now list all the boxes and closets of this
Servant, and I’ll show you one you don’t know about. If I cannot
Show me a secret closet, so I will not be upset tomorrow and bring you it.
photographs of my closet in anfas and in the profile, but if I find such a closet,
What is in it is mine.
The old men smiled and enthusiastically accepted the dispute. They opened all the doors and pulled out all the boxes, and they were exactly seven.
When you take a picture of my mother’s servant, take a picture.
larger, so that the subtlety of the sculpture can be seen... then similar.
I approached the "my native" closet and slightly moved from nowhere pushed out a flat wide box (my grandmother for the whole life before it never thought about it, my mom accidentally discovered...) In the box was a cardboard box, it unwillingly separated from the lacquered surface of the shelf (apparently lay there untouched for more than a hundred years).
In the box were old German playing cards. Well very beautiful. Each is a separate gravure.
The voices spread:
A dispute is a dispute.
The owners had joy and despair on their faces. The joy of acquiring a new secret cabinet, and the despair - you know why.

The old cards didn't even have time to scare, by the evening of the same day, they were lying on their old place... Well maybe not on their own, but on exactly the same, I think no joker noticed the difference...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna