— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 52 - ]
Well, young man, what problems are you having?
Yes, I think about the fate of the motherland, about the fate of Russia. How to do so,
To make her people live better.
What exactly did you come up with?
Beer and vodka should be produced not by zero or five, but by zero or three.
Yes not bad. And what more?
I need to do something with the clock. There are a lot of them, fucking.
and divorced.
and well. Do you have any other ideas?
I want it to always be summer. Cancellation of winter time.
Also not bad. Is it all?
I need to rename something. For example, the police in
The police.
It is wonderful! Now is it all?
No, it is still very important to move the capital from Moscow to somewhere else.
It is enough!
Psychiatrist in Military:
- The examination showed that the recruiter does not simulate - and indeed,
A real madman.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna