— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A representative of the Center for Countering Extremism indicated by what signs it is possible to identify an extremist-oriented personality. “The story of the security guards that in one of the Russian villages operates a sect worshiping Putin. The community was founded by a woman called Mother Fotinia. She teaches that Vladimir Putin in the past “incarnation” was the apostle Paul. Now he (with seven other reborn apostles) is battling with seven antichrists. Fotinja assures that he has known the Russian Prime Minister since he allegedly was Prince Vladimir, and she - Princess Olga. In the iconostasis of the community there is a portrait of the prime minister, and during the "services" the adepts of the sect sing instead of the psalms the Soviet hit "May there always be the sun," - told in the press service.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna