— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The council was unplanned.
It turns out, someone of the children pulled the pathologist's reference book and in the day he had time to view the half-school.
Shrinking with saliva, all the speakers talked about what horror this is for the unstable child’s psyche and what it can’t be allowed! The majority of votes decided to call a psychologist to the school to talk to the children.
I abstained.
Probably, the rest of the teachers in another school studied, but in my - with a medical deviation, this reference book was almost a desk book. With all his fragmented bodies of varying degrees of freshness. But I still remember a book that really left a mark on my childhood psyche: "Soviet literature adapted for deaf children."

"And then he will be silent on me!
How his hands shout at me!"

Thirty years have passed, I remember.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna