— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Nothing has changed in the last two years.)

If designers were evaluated in the same way as programmers when recruited.
A prospective company requires an engineer, 20-25 years of age, VO, OR from 10 years.
Basic requirements: Knowledge of the principles of operation of DC, electric and jet engines. Ability to design motor vehicles, military equipment, carrying structures of buildings with a height of at least 120 floors, lifts, bicycles and roller skis. Experience of welding, cutting, folding, welding, plasma and laser engraving is required. Experience of independent assembly of internal combustion engines and creation of cars on the basis of engines from third-party manufacturers. The ability to apply the design of the night pot developed by our artists to a third-party helicopter or submarine.
Compulsory: provide self-assembled working models of cars, trolley buses, trams and special equipment, with proof of the success of their commercial application. Self-assembled BMP, tanks and aircraft that have been successful in combat use in armed conflicts over the past 2 years are welcome (indicate your role and share in these conflicts). Experience in the organization of military conflicts is welcome. Experience in designing nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers and spacecraft will be an additional plus.
The salary is 80-100 dollars. (from the results of the interview)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna