— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Brother (serving in Kamchatka under contract) told a group of their officers some
In this way, after writing off a torpedo from about the wartime, they decided to silence her fish on the river.
A torpedo with a charge, but without an explosive, it was decided to take the Bickford cord, threw its length,
to burn for 3 minutes, they wrapped her to the flesh, dropped the rope and let go, hid and sat waiting, and
Something apparently the time did not calculate, it burns for 5.7 minutes, they think it will no longer horrify and there is nowhere to go.
The barge and carefully being in line with the wreath, the torpedo explodes, the barge drowns, the soldiers wave, the point plays.
The following day, local newspapers covered headlines "Echoes of war!","Torpedoes of war times
It was a miracle in the local river!"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna