— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Continued with:
XXX: Listen, have you never been in contact with AAA? About Roma
YYY: is not I don't have time, if you want to go - what you need to take
XXX is sad.
The Congress??? This is the element of the Mendeleev table, right? Named in honor of the XX Congress of the CPSU?
YYY: aaaa, pptc, you exploded my brain

They conceived in a state of non-gravity and now day by day expect a baby, which, according to Dr. Piroshkov, should be a boy. They hope to give birth to him by the 67th Congress of the Party and have already prepared the name of Congress for him in advance.
V. Voynovich, "Moscow 2042"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna