— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I pressed my fingers desperately, to the limit, to the blue,
There are hamsters on the ground in an unknown direction to us.
Hamsters go not in a hurry, but confidently, proudly, firmly,
May someone laugh their fearless faces (and cheeks).
At night they hide in the hills, and during the day they go out into the wide fields.
The hamsters managed to escape from the cage on their own.
Let blind eyes, cut hearing this world is impossible new -
In them, the spirit of fighting, the hamster, is bursting and strengthened.
It dictates to them, "Dare to hold!" strength of will and faith in strength.
The hamsters bite life, and it stunned them.
Homiakovsky unhappyly carries in the circle of direct transmission...
They just want to go – and that’s all. In peace, but in peace.
Breaking the old into pieces, unknown by new nonsense,
There are hamsters on the earth believing that they are bears.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna