— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XHHH: Gygyggy, the current that discovered a funny fact about a colleague
xxx: he has a melody on his mother's ringtone, a song he absolutely loves.
xxx: and the song is a gentle voice-songed whistle in English, I still immediately thought - it's even more sweet than the girl ringtones about "this is me, your mom calls."
xxxh: and the next day I learn that this is a whirlwind - the main theme to the pisset of what terrible shooter with the sea of bloodshed, in the trailer under this melody well naturally consistent "bloodshedspidorassilonahu" :D
Oh no, well, considering that I heard this song five times a day over the course of a year, now I am not surprised by the choice of ringtone :D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna