— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I liked the scene on the bus.
A large guy sat down on a pair seat so that he could not sit down, unless he put a barbecue. The people touch him, but they do not climb. But there was a reason for him too...
Another guy came in, 200 pounds. Fullness is unhealthy, it is apparent that you are not happy with your weight. For a minute he did not stand, as he moved to the venerable place and without a mouthpiece asked the first to move. He hurried, but stuck to the window.
The new Gargantua decidedly sat next to him so that he remained pressed to the boat and only was able to pour:
Has long been broken?
from the birth. I am not happy myself.
People in the salon somehow immediately became not so much more free, but more fun.)


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna