— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I took old photos with my wife. For some, our grandparents are five years younger than we are now. Orders, orders and winners.
In short, I remembered... My late grandfather spent the whole war in armored troops, was in the rank of captain, had many orders and medals. When I was a kid, my parents divorced, and my grandfather and grandmother took me with them. I lived with them until the end of their days. My grandfather actually raised me, and his stories about the war I remember, and I can tell them again to this day. Now the bottom line: Seven years ago I met the charming Armenian Olya.
She was six years older than me, but she looked (and looks) like a peer.
Literally, on the fifth day of her acquaintance, she resigned to her solid fiancé and moved to me, known throughout the district of Leche-Miga.
Her parents were in shock, but her parents were in shock. In shock, as Sergei
The Beast. Father retired, wanted to fill my mouth, but it is not so easy, since I still served in the Air Force, and the future aunt retired not to be a ridicule. Mother-headbuck arranged hysterics with falling on her knees and swinging across our whole yard. But here it was not easy to cope with her daughter, because she had heard it all many times. A short gesture. In general 1) Younger by 6 years, 2) Jew by nationality, 3) Without higher education 4) Was conditionally convicted 5) Olya wanted to take his surname, etc. The case went to the wedding, and my future aunt and aunt launched a heavy artillery: the grandfather of Armene. Despite his 92 years of age (one of my grandfather’s peers, but he died 10 years ago) heined complete clarity of mind.
It was approaching May 9, and suddenly polite invited to the grandfather, where the whole large Armenian family gathered. Or do you have something to be ashamed of? Okay well.
Olya in advance frightened me how her grandfather was able to pressure young boys.
Nothing, I say, along with your family, we will announce that you have already gone 2 months...You didn’t know my grandfather...
We sat down, talked and drank. After drinking, I talked about my grandfather. Grandfather Armén, who had looked at me with goodwill and smoked right at the table, suddenly darkened. Relying on the rod, he stood up, passing, knocked me on the shoulder, we went to the kitchen, we smoked. Everyone was very surprised. From the kitchen, the grandfather whispered several relatives who smoked there, and it began...
Can you repeat the number of the brigade where your grandfather served?
- NoNoNo of the Order of such and such separate guard tank
The brigade. I know from childhood.
Where did the war end?
Under Prague, and then, in 1946, they were transferred to Ukraine.
The lions.
Did your grandfather repair?
Why is? He was the commander of the tank company until October 1944.
The tank was struck, wounded, and written to SPAM. The repair part,
Who does not know)
– And his name is, – he calls his grandfather’s name... I gently speak.
and Ochrenel.
Where did you come from, I was attacked.
Why is your name T?
Because he is my grandfather by mother, and I am by father.
– I saw him like you now... – grandfather roared in Armenian, – I was a commander.
The communications company was, with their brigade... It was unlikely he could tell you about me.
We were not friends, but we were in contact periodically.
I listed some of my grandfather’s names, and my grandfather’s.
Everybody except one or two were familiar. I started telling about these people, and he picked up my story, sometimes corrected it. There were tears in the eyes of the old Armenian.
Do you love her? Asked my grandfather.
Did you not understand that?
Just as Jewish as your grandfather, you ask a question. - said
He is.
We have seen more. He did not survive before our wedding. Testo (which I’ve already written about) and the aunt love me like their son. They dreamed of their son. Olivia has two children. Father Rudolf and Father Armene. Thank you for being there!! I will try not to disappoint your grandchildren.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna