— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A friend who had been engaged in arm-restling for a long time and seriously, and had small biceps and other muscles, recently lived in Central Asia.
I went for a picnic in a big company. I ordered to prepare fuel for the fire. Of the "fuel" - one saxaul. And we have to say that this plant is not so easy to prepare for burning - it is difficult to cut it off with a tail blade - it will sprinkle and it will not be given, and put it for the decoration of nothing - there is nowhere to take us familiar wooden pits.
They act as follows: they place a saxaula on a suitable stone and soak the tail with a tail.
So the friend and did - "rubit"... i.e. "what" he is trying to do.
Two men came and went into the process with interest.
Finally, the first, the most courageous, questioned timidly, “Listen, why are you rubbing with your shoes and not with a blade?”
The second is "Distance from people. Look at what "banks" he has on his hands. It doesn’t matter which side of the tail to cut..." O_o

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna