— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was in the early eighties.

We went to change the lamps in the lights at night. At night, because during the day the movement; well, and the lamps at night are better seen, which do not burn.
We went in three, as required: I am an electrician-practitioner, my mentor -
Moiseič, and Kolyan - driver and manager of the car lift.
There is no light on the bridge. The configuration of the lamp is the letter "G".
The model is the same. No matter what, you have to change.
Kolyan got his bowl under the working body of the electric lighting, we see - and Mosheich, as always and in any shift - no longer: he sleeps, like a pumped child. From him, if he is in this state, even if you wake him up, then except for saliva through the lip and wishes to "take more" nothing will be expected.
The knee says:
Go on your own, Antonia. Do you see Moses sleeping? Sit down alone. You are not a lamp.
to replace?
And I think, and really, why would I not replace the light bulb? I’ll replace them, fucking! And the oil...
Klenan raised me to the right height; I got stuck, as prescribed by the instructions on the TV, with the carabine of the assembly belt across the cross of this "G" hole, and I didn't even have time to get the hole - I hear, the platform went down below me. She went down, fell down, and stopped just down there.
Safety for transportation. The knee jumps around, squeezes on some broken hose, and I think of myself: drunk, jerk.
Everyone knows that they and Moses in the gardening societies on hydraulics and pumps.
Okay, I am a visitor! on the belt. The knee ran, ran, and said:
I suffered, Antonia We are now with Moses, from the open window of the cabin.
Mosheich's chord was delivered, - we quickly drive to the base, we will replace the hose and you
Photograph from the lamp.
You are mostly not sick, hold on. This is only for half an hour.
He jumped into the cabin, and they went with Moses for urgent repairs.
And I hang... At first it was scary, and then I thought: will I be a hero?
The belt is reliable, the lamp is new, I am in the helmet. View of the river with the moon path.
I would even smoke, and the cigarettes in the inner pocket of the shirts belt pressed. Someone’s song started to sneak under his nose.
And then a light morning breeze slowly turned me to the other side of the road, and I did not sing: far away, straight to the bridge, the lighthouses approached.
After a minute, I distinguished the distant roar of the diesel engine, and after another five seconds I realized: there is a "fur".
And here for the first time in my life I used the school arithmetic: the lamp - six meters, the belt - one and a half, I with my ankles - one and a half, and the "fur" - all three and a half...
How I stood up, it should have been seen from the side.
Well, the driver also saw me a couple of dozen meters away; but it is not easy to stop such a fool. This box flew a few centimeters away from my ass—and only because I pulled my stomach in the last moment.
He stopped at 20 meters and got out of the cabin.A tough man, by the way. Another, seeing this on the pillar, would scratch to the very Ulan Bator without stopping.
So, he came out and went to my side. Resolutely and without thinking. And I hang under a dark light and remain silent - I have not remembered yet. And under me, in the moon’s light, a loaf of oil shines sinisterly.
He came closer, stopped, shrugged his head upwards - when he saw such a spectacle, it is visible, and his stupor took - and began to machinefully knock himself in his pockets, to look for cigarettes.
And to me at this very moment, it seemed, at last, "Agdam" with adrenaline, and I, the hell knows what such, for myself unexpectedly, said loudly and clearly:
Stop on the bridge is prohibited.
He just jumped and sat down at the same time – I didn’t expect it.
Then we figured out what. He raised his spark back closer to me and turned on the “accident”. We talked, we chatted.
And another half an hour after me came Kolyan with a repaired hydraulic and so never awakened Mosheich...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna