— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once Nikita Vladimirovich Bogoslovsky asked the outstanding radio speaker of the times of the Great Patriotic War, Yuri Levitan, the same.
The Levitano, for whose head Hitler promised huge money, the same Levitano, about whom during the war was a joke: they ask.
by Stalin:
“Comrade Stalin! When will the war end?” “Levitan will say.”
So, asks Levitan Nikita Vladimirovich to draw something on a piece of paper. He says he has never been able to paint in his life.
Well, paint at least a house, because it’s so simple!
In short, he persuaded him, persuaded him, and Levitan surrendered.
I painted the house, the smoke comes from the pipe. Such a primitive, childish painting. Nikita Vladimirovich took this painting, put it in a frame under the glass, hanged it at his house and with everyone who came to him in the house, on something argued that this was the real Levitan.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna