— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Juliet’s mother at the time of the events described in the play was 28 years old.

Maria Gavrilovna of "Metheli" Pushkin was already young: "She was in her 20th year".

Balzac’s age is 30 years.

Ivan Susanin at the time of the feat was 32 years old (he was
The 16-year-old daughter is in extradition.

Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” was 42 years old.
year of.

Anna Karenina at the time of death was 28 years old, Vronsky - 23 years old, old husband
Anna Karenina - 48 years old (at the beginning of the events described in the novel all for 2 years
and less).

Old Cardinal Richelieu at the time of the siege described in The Three Musketeers
La Rochelle fortress was 42 years old.

From the notes of the 16-year-old Pushkin: "A 30-year-old man entered the room"
and caramels.

Tyanyanov: Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was the eldest of all who gathered. He had
Thirty-four years is the age of extinction.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna