— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I never beat any of the people. Almost almost.
Recently, it seems to me more and more that if numerous authors whose “smiling stories” end with the sentences “I’m afraid of him/her,” “Marry me (fuck me)!”, “Other breasts/letters/centimeters,” “I’m not just rotting” (horses?)", "leaked to everyone as much as possible", spells about the spelled, but unknown to me skyrim, dumb variations on the subject "Language", around-band jokes about the prints "from Freud", the relationship of the semantic to his teaching do not have, thematic joke, put in a row to the wall under the gunpowder - I would not shoot. I would take a dude and fuck for a long time and with anger! Because they are tired of monotonous fictional "remixes" on once real jokes.
It wasn’t funny, for some reason.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna