— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It is said that Juan Perón lived in the world. He worked as president.
Argentina, although some unwelcome people sometimes called it
“The dictator.” The work was exhausting and dangerous: the enemies were constantly preparing assassinations, in any case, Peron thought so. He was especially afraid of being poisoned (this is an old tradition of the local aristocrats).

He did not trust any of his subordinates. Except for one. It was his old dinner, passing with him fire, water and copper tubes. Being devoted as a dog, but with curved hands (not in the world of perfection). Only this old soldier Peron trusted to prepare his own food. But the skill of the devoted servant did not extend further than “fried meat” and “fried meat”.

From time to time, Juan Domingovich, tired of being pressed by the soldiers' food, exclaimed: "Fuck, I am President or I am not President! Can I normally eat in this country?” and told me to cook the car. For some time, he walked around Buenos Aires and the suburbs, and then, according to a random number generator, chose a catering facility, trying not to repeat his choice. Where he would come to dinner today, nobody knew until the last moment. For a restaurant, a cafe or a simple runner-up, the appearance of the country’s president has always been a surprise.

General Peron was poisoned several times. But not because of the attempts, but because of the poor quality of products and the inability of chefs. If the food or service were of poor quality, the entire staff of the institution was in trouble; Peron was called a "bloody dictator", and there may have been grounds for this... Details of the repressions against catering workers have not been preserved, but during the years of the general's rule, the quality of dishes in Buenos Aires and the surrounding area rose to the highest level.
Because no institution, even the smallest, was insured from the sudden visit of Himself, hungry, strict and just. I don’t know how about the political accomplishments, but for the culinary all the inhabitants were grateful to him.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna